Do I Need Social Media Management?

Once businesses moved onto social media platforms, the need for someone to manage those accounts was born. For large scale corporations that’s handled by marketing teams who put it on the same shelf as digital marketing and advertising. So, you can bet that any of those huge businesses like Apple or Lubriderm have their own division that handles any output of information on the internet.

But where do us little guys fit in that? Apple isn’t exactly a small business, and they have virtually an unlimited budget when it comes to marketing. That leaves the small guys with only one option: do it themselves.

A lot of businesses choose to have someone in house handle their social media, and that’s awesome! An employee that’s there all the time can grab tons of behind-the-scenes content, and to be on top of posting daily specials, sales, new inventory, etc. But there may come a point where that isn’t as feasible, due to business growth or other reasons, which means it becomes your responsibility as the business owner to both maintain your actual business and its day-to-day functions, along now with keeping an active online presence.

There are so many factors that need to be accounted for when you’re talking about a business and their social media. Every business has different things going on that determine what “extras” the owner can commit to. And every owner is going to be different when it comes to what extra things they WANT to do. Some people have the desire to do their own social media but may lack the know how or the time, and others may know how to handle it but have no desire to. There are so many factors that play into it.

So how do you determine whether or not your business should pursue outsourcing your social media? There are a few factors that you need to consider.

Your Budget:

Do you have room in your budget to hire someone specifically for it? While hiring a good social media manager is a positive investment for your business, it is still a financial commitment. Social media is a “slow and steady wins the race” type thing, so you’ll get your best results by sticking to it for a while. One month of professional social media management isn’t going to get you thousands of sales and followers.

Your Desire:

It’s important to consider how involved you like being in your social media, and then communicate that to whoever you’re potentially working with. Communicating clear expectations is very important to ensure you’re both on the same page, and that you’re paired with the services that fit your needs best.

So, to circle back to the first question, the answer is maybe. If you enjoy doing it, you have the time, and you feel like you’re reaching your goals, then keep doing what you’re doing! But if you don’t enjoy it, don’t know how, don’t have the time, or don’t feel like you are reaching your goals, then outsourcing it can be a huge weight off your shoulders! You’ll be able to reach your goals and have an active presence on Facebook and/or Instagram with minimal time and effort on your part.

If you’re reading this and are thinking that moving your social media out of house would be beneficial, or even if you’d just like to talk to someone about it and get some opinions, I would be more than happy to chat. Whether you want complete account management or you just need a little assistance, I have services that encompass it all. You can even schedule a complimentary phone consultation that is a total non-pressure way to feel it out, or to get a couple questions answered. And even if you know you don’t want to pay for social media management, but you have a question about something social media, you can schedule a call or send me an email or message! I would love to help you in any way that I could.


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